Terms and conditions

Our contact information

SC MRC Tuning Unlimited SRL

Str. Pavel Ceamur 23, Popești-Leordeni 077160, Ilfov, Romania

Bank: ING Bank NV

Account: RO80INGB0000999913013088


RO 47021956



Payment methods

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Payment by card
  • Payment by PO
Your personal data

Please consult the Privacy policy.

Warranty, complaints

You can send us any complaints at: contact@mrctuning.ro.

Content. Copyright

The photos and descriptions of the items listed on the website are illustrative. We strive for them to be as similar as possible to the product itself, but there can be discrepancies.

The entire content of the mrctuning.ro website (text, images, graphic elements, codes, scripts et cetera) are the property of SC MRC Tuning Unlimited SRL and are protected under the Copyright Law and other laws regarding copyright.

Terms and conditions

MRC Tuning is a remapping/tuning company:

We tune all post 1998, drive by wire, VAG/Porsche and a select few other brands with Bosch/Siemens ECUs.

Please read and understand our "responsible tuning policy" before undertaking any tuning work

There is a comprehensive FAQ and instructions on modifying your car that should be read and understood before modifying and bringing your car to be tuned. This is available in the reception.

We cannot warranty any engine or any mechanical part. We can only guarantee our remaps will be safe at the time the car is mapped (on the specific fuel used and on similar ambiental conditions).

If you are not happy in any way with the remap we will refund the remap cost (minus the dyno measurement) within 7 days of the remap.

We cannot quote any leadtimes for non OE work or modifications to cars. All project or custom work will not have any defined leadtimes or completion dates. We will only give expected time for the labour of work.
Running a car on the dyno is at the customers own risk.

Any test drives by MRC Tuning Staff are at the customers risk. Our staff are insured to drive customer cars.

There are no warranties on any modified cars.

For cars that require remedial work or modification prior to mapping we need to be informed of your budget as work may extend beyond initial estimates. We need this information before hand especially if the car is being left with us.

Customer supplied parts:
When supplying your own parts for fitment please ensure they have been fully tested (with test results provided) and all fitting instructions are provided. The customer will have to cover costs any fitting issues or testing for parts we have not seen/tested/fitted previously. We cannot estimate gains or costs for parts we have not seen / fitted before.

Service schedules for modified (greater than 30% gain from stock) must be shortened accordingly. All engine oils and filters should be replaced on a 5k miles basis. Gearbox, diff oils and spark plugs should be replaced every 10k miles. Cambelt service should be carried out every 20k miles or less.
Cars with more than 50% incresase in power should have Health Checks every 4k. Oil and filters in gearbox and engine, spark plugs should be changed every 4k or after any track day.
All OE standard parts fitted to a modified car will not carry any manufacturers warranty or guarantee.

All modifications that differ from OE specifications, carried out by MRC Tuning, are modified at the owners risk.

All cars should be test driven on the day of pickup to make sure any issues or problems have been resolved on the day of pick up.

MRC Tuning cannot test drive cars for prolonged periods of time. If the car has an intermittent issue the customer has to drive the car until the issue is testable by MRC Tuning.

We request that all MAFs on cars are genuine VAG parts, due to aftermarket MAFs causing intermittent or regular failures. There is no warranty if the MAFs have been damaged by contaminates sprayed on them.

Running more power and torque through the drivetrain will always put more strain on parts.

You can have a failure on the first run after running more power or you can have failures years later. Please understand this and mechanical issues will not be warranted.

After tuning please drive your car for as long as possible before driving home in case you want anything changed or have any issues. We will always help out but if something is wrong and you carry on driving for days or weeks it can cause further issues.

To prevent and prepare your car for tuning there are some pre requisites you can make sure you have done or ask for a quote before tuning:

  • Make sure your gearbox software is up to date. Especially on older cars or first run of cars there will be software updates. VAG have always had issues with gearboxes and update their software over time. Check with VAG before you come you have newest software.
  • Service the gearbox, transfer box, diff and haldex. VAG will have a service schedule but you should reduce this at least by half and do a service before any tuning. Make sure VAG/other garages change all filters and seals and not just drop and change oil.
  • We recommend the longer filling tube in DQ250 boxes to get more oil in and better cooling.
  • Haldex without filters have to be flushed, the pump removed and mesh cleaned.

If you are not confident or worried about your car being reliable or parts wearing or failing then please do not ask us to tune your car. Please do not drive away without making sure you are happy with your car.

MRC Tuning does not carry out any accident damage repair or bodywork.

By leaving your car at MRC Tuning, or having work undertaken by MRC Tuning, you agree to all the above terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions applied to our foto and video materials (based on CC BY-NC 4.0)

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


  • You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.
  • No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.